
演员:Kim Choi Min Byeon Seok Ki-Jong Keum-Seong Eun-Hee Nam Yoo Seon-Young Seung-Min



标签:world When finds




《心中的故乡》高清免费在线观看,本片由尹龙奎执导,演员Kim,Seok,Choi,Seung-Min,Eun-Hee,Min,Seon-Young,Ki-Jong,Yoo,Nam,Byeon,Keum-Seong出演的韩国剧情片,剧情内容主要以world,When,finds为主题讲述的故事,详细介绍:In the film "A Hometown in Heart," Do-seong is a young child monk living at a small mountain temple with the head monk, learning the teachings of Buddha. He forms a bond with a young widow who visits the temple to pray, and she asks the head monk to allow her to raise Do-seong as her own son since she is childless. Conflict arises when Do-seongs birth mother appears but decides to leave the temple for her sons future. As the widow is preparing to take Do-seong away from the temple, it is discovered that he has accidentally killed a bird, leading the head monk to change his decision and decide to keep the boy at the temple. Upon learning of his birth mothers visit to the temple, Do-seong sets out on a journey to find her. The film is praised for its cinematography and direction, which capture the serene life of a mountain temple without sentimentality. "A Hometown in Heart" is based on playwright Ham Se-deoks work "A Little Monk" and is considered a masterpiece in Korean cinema for its portrayal of a boys longing for maternal love and the everyday life at the temple. The director of cinematography, Han Hyung-mo, utilizes long shots to showcase the beauty of the mountain temple, while the skillful direction of Yoon Yong-kyu brings the characters to life. The film avoids overt sentimentality and instead conveys emotions through visual storytelling, such as a dream sequence that combines Do-seongs yearning for his mother with her past visit to the temple. The poignant final scene shows Do-seong awakening from his dream and embarking on a journey to find his mother. Choi Eun-hee delivers a heartfelt performance as the young widow who embraces Do-seong with love. "A Hometown in Heart" is a compelling exploration of family, longing, and the quiet life of a mountain temple, marking a new era in Korean filmmaking after the liberation.


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